Alerta Bubble 2 Overlay Pad (Low Risk Mattress) with Pump
The Alerta Bubble 2 overlay Pad is a lightweight and compact overlay alternating pressure-relieving mattress system. It is designed to effectively prevent and treat individuals at low risk of developing pressure ulcers in hospital, nursing, and care home settings. Carefully crafted to provide essential pressure care, the pump accompanying the Alerta Bubble 2 overlay pad is an entry-level model, making it an ideal choice for care providers.
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- Low-Risk Mattress
- Mattress can fit on all our hospital beds
- Tuck-in extension flaps
- CPR – tubes can be easily removed
- Water-resistant material
- Antimicrobial material
With simple-to-use settings and functionality, the Alerta Bubble 2 enables the care provider to quickly set up the mattress system and have it operating at optimal pressure for a specific user with ease.
The Bubble Pack Contains
- Bubble mattress
- Control unit
- Air supply
- Quick set up guide
- Repair kit
*If putting in washing machine, ensure the air inlet tubes are watertight sealed.*
For More information about this product, please email us or call us on 01925 386385